Friday, January 16, 2015

Beer Bot

So the engineering challenge I posted for myself last weekend was more complicated than I had imagined - but not for what I deemed and obvious reason. I first set out to use a pringles can and set everything up but needed a switch so I had to wait. Today, I swing by Radio Shack (are you really going out of business?? That sucks) and purchased a simple three pin switch and while I was there I picked up a Ping))) Ultrasonic Distance Sensor for this weekends fun. More on that later.

With the switch in play, I rigged up the Pringles can and once everything was in place, I ragged out my wheel gear. I mean, I totally destroyed it in seconds. It seems the wheels were stuck in place. Ugh. But luckily, I had an extra. I decided to switch to a beer can so I could make room for the wheels and that worked, but I don´t have a thing that snaps to the battery. I used old electrical tape that kept slipping... like 10 ten times. I can´t explain how frustrating that is. Lesson learned on that deal.

And now, I present to you my Beer Bot. Enjoy.

(Yes, that is a sock monkey in the background)

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